Sumod Damodar
Greetings One and All!
It gives me immense pleasure to address everyone on this exciting moment in our cricket calendar, where eight nations will be participating in the inaugural ACA Men's T20 Cup Finals, being played at Willowmore Park in Benoni, South Africa.
I wish to firstly thank the Minister for Sport, Arts & Culture of the Republic of South Africa, Honorable Mr. E N Mthethwa and the proactive Department, under his Ministry, for their support and understanding, by granting approval to the ACA, to host this prestigious event on South African soil.
I wish to further express my gratitude, to Mr Thato Moagi, President of Eastern Cricket Union, and his remarkable team, for the venue and all assistance hinging around the tournament.
It would be remiss of me, if I do not recognize the efforts of my predecessor, Ms Jackie Janmohamed-Nazar and her Board, for having initiated this tournament during their tenure, but were unable to see it through it's finality, due to the unfortunate era of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
I salute all the participating teams, for their grit, determination, and patience, to make this event a success and profoundly wish everyone an enjoyable and hard-fought tournament.........may the best team win!
To all members of ACA, especially those who were unsuccessful in their quest this time round, please take heed that my Board and I, are earnestly working towards establishing more platforms and opportunities, for more competitive cricket on our continent. I pray that the success of this event will be the spring board for oyr brighter future on the field.........
Yours sincerely
Sumod Damodar
Chairman - Africa Cricket Association (ACA)